
Archive for October 21st, 2008



Each year, our troop volunteers at WTSE (Webelos to Scout Expo) and this year will be no different.  A few adults and several scouts will trek up to Camp Bovay with equipment in hand to build a Pioneer Monkey Bridge.  It never fails to provide a fun excursion for the Webelos who come to visit us.

This is one of those events where the boys become accutely aware of why we pay such close attention to knot tying and following procedure.  It also proivdes a great opportunity to give back to our district.  The added bonus is this project puts the participants on the path to earning their Pioneering Merit Badge.

Above are pictures taken at last year’s event.  Our leaders take time to doublecheck the knots the scouts tie before the boys begin assembling the bridge.  Once it is up, we test it with one of the older boys to be sure it will stand up to the weight of the cub scouts who will soon follow.  Finally, the fun begins for the cub scouts who cross the monkey bridge with spotters on either side.

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